Tag Archives: crosswalk

Preview configuration can use Crosswalks

I added the option to use Crosswalks in preview configuration. For example, instead of specifying the lido to ese XSL file in each preview configuration (and having to update it each time it was changed) we can instead provide the target schema name in the preview. Instead of using this preview configuration:

    "xsl": "lido-v1.0-to-ese-v3.4-transform-v3.xsl",
    "label": "ESE",
    "output": "xml"

we can use this:

    "target": "ESE 3.4",
    "label": "ESE",
    "output": "xml"

The ChainTransform object that generates the preview tabs will look for a direct crosswalk from the source schema to the specified target. This should use the same crosswalk used during publication, if the publication schema and preview schema names are the same. So we should be consistent on how to name installed schemas in Mint2 installations. I suggest we use the schema name in capital letters followed by the version (without a ‘v’ prefix) i.e. LIDO 1.0, ESE 3.4.

PS 1. If you omit the label parameter the preview tab will use the target schema name as tab title.
PS 2. In order to update our mint2 installations accordingly, I added the option to rename a schema in Administration > Manage XSDs (see here).