Tag Archives: parameters

Parameters support in schema’s preview configuration

A schema’s preview configuration now supports XSL parameters. This was implemented to support, for example, the provider parameter in LIDO to ESE XSL. Parameters are currently supported only in preview tabs that have an ‘xsl‘ field. In order to add parameters, a new JSON array called ‘parameters‘ is used in the preview configuration for the specific preview tab. This array contains parameter objects with three fields:

  • name: The parameter name.
  • value: Controls the value of the parameter in the XSL, based on the parameter type (see below)
  • type: Type of the parameter. Currently supports two options:
    • constant: Constant value parameters. The parameter will always have the value of the ‘value‘ field.
    • mint: Mint defined parameters. The parameter will have the value of the mint property specified by the ‘value‘ field.

An example of the parameter’s configuration, from lido-v1.0-proxy.xsd.conf:

    "xsl": "lido-v1.0-to-ese-v3.4-transform-v3.xsl",
    "parameters": [
                "name": "provider",
                "type": "mint",
                "value": "mint.provider"
    "label": "ESE",
    "output": "xml"